Do you have excess estrogen?
Did you know certain foods can help draw out excess estrogen in the body? We have a few tips here!
Did you know certain foods can help draw out excess estrogen in the body? We have a few tips here!
When our bodies experience a Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) it means that we have a bacterial infection. But Why does it happen? One major myth is female only have this. Well,...
Did you know the different hues of brown, pink and red can tell you a lot about the health of your body??
At any point during the month, you are under the influence of hormones connected to your menstrual cycle
Should we be worried that about tampons shedding nano plastic into our vaginas?
Can essential oils help with PMS and period symptoms? Science says yes!
A list is a rather painful misconception men have had about my vagina!
I have not always had the easiest periods but I am learning how to cope.
Billions of pads and tampons end up in landfills every year. How many of them are biodegradable?