I have not always had the easiest period. I feel like this is the story for most of us. Some of us have traumatizing memories about them while others just think about it as a monthly cycle.
Regardless, we all have shared stories that we relate to in many different forms. Take for instance, some common period symptoms include feeling bloated, cramping, body aches, back pains and/or even mood swings. These symptoms are normal although some suffer greater pain than others. When necessary, a doctor should be visited, yet there is also proper care that we can practice to help reduce these symptoms. I often don’t give my body enough credit for its amazing ability to work like a well oiled machine some days, and other days bleed so much and somehow keep me alive! We attempt to push ourselves instead of trying to listen to our bodies and demonstrate some self compassion (a new thing I’m trying 😬). Still nothing better than a self care day or week or month during our monthly cycle.
Some of my favorite forms of self care include wearing a heating pad, and drinking a warm cup of tea while watching my favorite show. Yours can look similar or different. Some people like to go for a light run while others prefer to stay in. Truly running is not my thing! I prefer to stay indoors, but now that I intern at Rif I realize it is also very important to keep our bodies active during our cycle. Therefore, I often choose to practice yoga or go for a walk. Light exercise can actually be shown to be more effective during this time of the month since our metabolism is actually faster during the menstrual phase. So don’t feel too bad about those extra donuts!
All of our bodies are different and react differently during our periods. It is important to take breaks when necessary and be kind to ourselves. Be honest with what you feel and what you need. Next time you are on your period, just remember to practice self care and take care of yourself. I love using pads as well. They feel perfect for me since they are worry and mess free. Rif products are extremely comfortable and afterall we are helping the environment all at once!
Feel free to comment and share your form of self care and tag @rifcare on all platforms
With love,
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