About Our Founders
Four years ago our co founder Val went through a major life change. She visited a holistic doctor who confirmed she had a hormone imbalance. Through learning this, she decided to detox her body of anything toxic she was using and focused on using only organic personal care products.
Val then realized that there were not many high quality, biodegradable and innovative period care options for women. Being a huge lover of hemp, she decided to pursue making disposable period products with hemp fiber, even though factories told her over and over it was impossible.
In 2021 Val launched a crowd funding campaign and her best friend Rebecca started to help. Rebecca had also experienced hormone imbalance and infertility and was starting her own wellness journey. Val quickly realized that with Rebeccas science background she could help Rif Care come to life. Rebecca joined Rif Care in early 2022 as a co-founder. Rif Care launched in June 2022 the first hemp fiber menstrual pads on the market.
Rif Care is a wellness company that makes period care out of hemp fiber. We focus on providing safe and non hormone disrupting menstrual care solutions. We are a 100% BIPOC women owned small business. Every purchase of Rif Care helps our mission of lowering our carbon footprint, and donating products to women who have experienced homelessness or domestic violence. We are making a difference for women everywhere, one period at a time.