Happy Galentines day lovers!

Happy Galentines day lovers!

Oh... and valentines day. After we barely survived the Holiday season, consumerism comes and rears its ugly head again. Not meaning to sound negative, but it seems like Valentines day does more harm than good for many of our self esteem.

Seeing influencers get big lavish gifts, cars and roses on Feb 14th is cool... cheering and rooting for committed partnership and being treated like a queen! But the social media fueled PDW (public displays of wealth) are not always fun to witness. As a matter of fact, we would love it if social media focused more on how to BE love rather than how to buy love.

Read below while we give some practical tips on how to BE a personification of love. 

  1. For those of us in relationships - this can be a day to commit to showing love through a love language in its biggest expression. If your partner loves physical touch, may we suggest a massage? If words of affirmations are you thing, tell your partner to leave love notes around the house this week. Having a holiday prompt cheesy displays of affection is fun, welcome, and the best part of most holidays. 
  2. For those of us who are single, give yourself some love. Whether you take your gals out for Galentines day, or you buy yourself that lingerie you want to wear but were waiting for someone to wear it for. Newsflash- wear it under your clothes for no one other than yourself! Light your favorite candle for a bubble bath, and take today to be the romantic lover you’ve always wanted. And for those of us with kids, take the time today to give your little babes love notes, heart shaped chocolates and extra cheeky kisses! I think showing your kids what romance and loves looks like is super important. 
  3. Give yourself some self love in the way we love most (self pleasure). Because how do you expect anyone else to take care of your physical and sexual needs if you don’t know how to take care of them yourself? There are many articles on our blog on how we like to self pleasure, so click around to see what our favorite toys, lubes and techniques are.

I hope this helps! Happy Valentines day lovers!

xoxo Val 

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